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What are Mutual Funds?

What are Mutual Funds?

Most investors have heard of mutual funds, but relatively few understand how these funds really work.  This is not surprising; after all, most people are not financial experts, and there are plenty of other things going on in their lives more urgent than the structure… Read More »What are Mutual Funds?

How to invest in PSX

How to invest in PSX?

Pakistan Stock Exchange also known as PSX is the popular stock exchange in Pakistan. It holds the title of best-performing Asian stock market several times.  As of 2021 data, PSX has 531 companies listed with 36 different sectors on the exchange. PSX has a market… Read More »How to invest in PSX?

What is the Stock Market?

What is the Stock Market?

The Stock market is an essential part of the modern economy.  It is a necessity that is unchallengeable, an innovative structure highly dynamic.  It adapts itself to the economic environment and at the same time influences it, generating opportunities and giving freedom to a common… Read More »What is the Stock Market?

WTF is an NFT?

WTF is an NFT?

WTF is an NFT? NFT stands for Non-Fungible Tokens. I know you don’t understand what it means, let me explain. An NFT is a digital asset that is unique and is stored on the blockchain. If you don’t know what blockchain is, you might need to understand the fundamentals of blockchain before you try to get into the NFT world.